The Biz Studio with Lara Wellman

You dreamed of creating a business that would complement the life you wanted .

But it feels harder than you thought it would. You keep hitting roadblocks, you’re not sure what to do next and you’re not sure you’re ready to take the next steps.  

I get it and I have supports and solutions – check out my workshops, online courses and coaching programs below. I can’t wait to connect and support you in building a business that works for you and your life.  

Available Products

The Biz Accelerator

Join a group of like-minded business owners as you set the stage for big growth in your business. This is the perfect mix of training, coaching, accountability and peer support, designed to help you meet your business goals.

Small Business Planning

Business planning can feel overwhelming, a low priority in the grand scheme of your to do list, and you plus you're not even sure what you should be doing. In this at your own pace program I walk you through the simple steps to creating the goals and actions for business success.

How to get out of your own way

It's me, hi. I'm the problem it's me.

There is a really fine line between owning that you may be getting in your own way and just feeling the shame spiral of thinking you're not good enough to build the business you wanted to build.

If you keep getting stuck not taking action on things you want to take action on...

If you feel shit about yourself on the regular about your abilities to make a business work...

If you have people who are always telling you they're so happy for how well you're doing in business and meanwhile you want to cry in the corner because it's not working nearly well enough...

If you wish you just knew what to focus on, what not to focus on, how to get clear on your priorities, and that you had a community of people who could support you in all of that - you've found your spot!

Fibre Art Ventures: Mastering Business Basics

If you're a fibre artist who is running a business (or thinking about starting one), but you never thought you'd be running a business, you might suddenly be waist-deep in tasks and decisions you never thought you would have to make. If you're feeling overwhelmed, uncertain about how to make a business work, and wishing you had a place to learn some more information and ask some questions - we have put together the perfect solution for you!

Join us (Lara Wellman and Robin Whitford) for this 6-week course designed to introduce you to many of the basics of running a business that makes money and doesn't overwhelm your whole life.

Here are a few things we want you to know right now:

  • You are not alone.
  • Making money IS possible.
  • You should not feel guilty about making money even if others aren’t.
  • Struggling to make enough money without feeling like you're working all the time is not what you started this business to do.

Now is the perfect time to learn more about the basics of running a business that will work well for YOU (and, of course, for your clients, too).

Join us for this 6-week program packed full of teaching and support!

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